Friday, August 28, 2015

World Wide Protest

The worst part about not being on campaign is being here. Watching my friends get attacked, beaten, held down by multiple police officers, as they point them towards the massacre and force them to watch. Knowing that entire pods of whales are dying and although we are over there, fighting for the; we don't always succeed.

When you are over there, at least you feel like you are helping. Everyday that you return to base and a pod wasn't driven onto the beach is a day you can celebrate. I was lucky, we always had a reason to celebrate. But organizing this protest was the best thing i could do from a distance. After the double grind massacre we all united. I contacted leaders from all over the world, London, Germany, Luxembourg, Costa Rica, Mexico, Columbia, Australia. Together we decided that we would stand up against the injustice and make sure that the world knew what was happening in the Faroe Islands. I know it seems silly, standing on a street corner yelling phrases. But having everyone thank you me for my service overseas, for my dedication, and passion was the most amazing feeling. I have spent 5 years of my life fighting for these causes. I can't imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life. 

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