Sunday, September 7, 2014

July 2nd, 2014

Back in hvalvik today, this time with lovely Tarah and Kylie. It has been raining at this point for days, with very little change. The fog has been so thick that you can't tell what time it is, where you are, if there's sheep running in front of you, or anything so patrols have been even more stressful. The worst part is, it may be foggy on land but in the ocean completely clear, so whales could be spotted at any time and we're losing our advantage.

Tracy Chapman's tape managed to end up in Bertha the van, so anytime you're with Tarah you are blasting Revolution over and over, and still to this day it has a way of sneaking in.

So us ladies spent the day talking about travel and singing Tracy, enjoying the day patrolling, there's even a few pictures before it started raining again.

Life started to get a bit intense that night, after a few weeks on the island you start going a little bat crazy, and i just wanted to lock myself up and get some time alone. But that's not really possible when you live with a group of people...

So Lucas took me out for a drive and just to focus on things besides the Faroes for just a tiny bit. We blasted queen and talked about things back home like his band and just silly things, because when things are this intense all the time you just need a release. I leave in just a few days and right now I can't tell if i'm ready to go home or not, but the thought of my friends and family is enough for me to board that plane.

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