Sunday, September 7, 2014

June 3rd, 2014

thump thump thump

This can't be happening. I fumble for my cell phone and call Eric

"i got it"

"got what"

"they chose me"

"are you serious"

"i'm going to the Faroe Islands"

It starts to sink in. The feeling of the past four years paying off, of everything I've wanted becoming a reality. Except one big factor, I have to get to the Faroe Islands. 

I'm gonna need a bigger boat... 

So the Go Fund me account started, and I began to gather my pennies, sell my things and try to figure out how I could get myself to Europe as soon as possible. It took a week and a half but I got together about $3100.00. So i quit my job and bought the ticket- I would be leaving June 19th. 

If people had half as much determination in life, as i had determination to get to those islands, we could solve half the worlds issues. 

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